The Journal Of Informational Medicine
Part Two

 The PURPOSE of this electronic publication is to provide an outlet for the research and clinical efforts of those working in the field of Informational Medicine.

The MISSION of this journal is to support the investigations into the quantum nature of the human body-field and specifically the role that practitioners of the Healing Arts may play in bringing about balanced functionality on the macromolecular level to persons described as being ill.

The CONTENT of this journal shall be two-fold, one section detailing with the theoretical concepts of the human body-field and Informational Medicine. The other section shall deal with clinical investigation of and progress in Informational Medicine.

Executive Board - the current CEO is Dr. Edward F. Block IV

Advisory Committee - members shall be recruited and duties assigned to chart the course of the journal through the years, establishing policy and determining goals.

Editorial Committee - members shall be recruited and duties assigned to insure that publishing and editorial guidelines are adhered to with the highest ethical and professional standards.

Chief Editor - the current CE is Dr. Edward F. Block IV

Those persons interested in being a member of the Executive Board, Advisory Committee or Editorial Committee, please contact Dr. Block by clicking on the Contact link below.

 Background Information As To What Consitutes Informational Medicine


  1. Key Concepts
  2. Political and Ethical Considerations
  3. Early Pioneers



  1. "The Human Body Field",
    E. F. Block, October 2009
  2. "Acupuncture as Informational Medicine",
    E. F. Block, March 2010
  3. "Microbial Ecology Of The Alimentary Tract As A Complement Of The Human Body-Field",
    E. F. Block, April 2010
  4. "Shingles as a Sequela of Contact Dermatitis with Rhus Toxicodendron",
    E. F. Block, May 2010
  5. "The Biophysical Properties Of The Element Silicon",
    E. F. Block, June 2010
  6. "The Hidden Treasure Of Plants",
    E. F. Block, July 2010
  7. "An Informational Medicine Analysis Of the Principles of Chinese Herbal Formulation",
    E. F. Block, August 2010
  8. "The Interaction Of Life-Fields With The Ambient Magnetic Fields Attendant To The Earth",
    E. F. Block, November 2010
  9. "The Role of Coherent Resonance in Human Affairs: Part One - Electromagnetism & Gravity",
    E. F. Block, December 2010
  10. "The Role of Coherent Resonance in Human Affairs: Part Two - Affairs of Consciousness",
    E. F. Block, January 2011
  11. "The Role of Coherent Resonance in Human Affairs:Part Three - Influences On Consciousness",
    E. F. Block, February 2011
  12. "The Role of Coherent Resonance in Human Affairs:Part Four - The Role of Celestial Mechanics",
    E. F. Block, March 2011
  13. "Homeopathy: The First Systematized Healing Modality Of Informational Medicine",
    E. F. Block, April 2011
  14. "Useful Conceptual Constructs In The Clinical Application Of Informational Medicine",
    E. F. Block, May 2011
  15. "Animal Magnetism As An Essential Component Of the Human Body-Field",
    E. F. Block, June 2011
  16. "The Natural Properties Of Bio-Scalar Energy",
    E. F. Block, July 2011
  17. "The Nature Of Human Body-Field Interactions Between Individuals and Members of a Social Grouping",
    E. F. Block, August 2011
  18. "Some Notes On The Clinical Application Of Two Food Combinations",
    E. F. Block, September 2011
  19. "The Invisible Plague",
    E. F. Block, October 2011
  20. "Structured Water",
    E. F. Block, November 2011
  21. "The Scientific Conundrum",
    E. F. Block, December 2011
  22. "Some Biological Implications Of The Giertz Shift",
    E. F. Block, August 2012
  23. "Notes On The Clinical Practice Of Informational Medicine",
    E. F. Block, July 2015
  24. "Concepts Relating To The Maintenance Of The Integrity Of The Human Body - The Integrator",
    E. F. Block, June 2016
  25. "Further Revealations And Reflections Upon The Essential Nature Of The Human Body-Field",
    E. F. Block, February 2017
  26. "Dissertation - The Human Body Field"
    E. F. Block, February, 2020
  27. "Thoughts Concerning the Collective Unconsciousness"
    E. F. Block, February, 2020
  28. "Biomagnetic Resonance"
    E. F. Block, June, 2020

 Other Corroborating Scientific Publications

 Links to Resonant Websites:
